Sunday, January 29, 2012

Last Day of Class... 最後の授業…

Last day of class was very special and a little emotional. 
I was so proud of my students for all the things they learnt throughout this whole voyage: when we did a brainstorm on all the topics, they came up with a lot of things.
I was also so happy to see how close we had become as a class- it was like a little family, and it made me so sad to think that the days of class are over... 


Both of these classes started off with very little English, maybe a couple of phrases! 
But in the last class, the first 20 minutes of class where we did our routines was completely English. They had also used English when bargaining, going to the restaurant, and meeting someone.... all over the world :-)  


On another night, we all got together for a dinner at Namihei, to celebrate! 
They gave me a lovely board with a portrait of me (done by one of the students who is an amazing artist) with messages- and messages all in English! 
I was so touched and felt so fortunate to have met these people. I learned as much, if not more, as a teacher, and I am so grateful that I had the classes that I had. 
As a thank you, I also shared the speech I had done in Spanish, since many of them hadn't heard it at the Festival, despite the fact that the speech was about them. 
I wrote it in the best Japanese that I could, and it was like a thank you. They were such an inspiration: they were from different parts of Japan, different ages and different backgrounds, but they all taught me  a lot. 
This is why I love the teaching profession- not one class or student is the same, and everyday is exciting and unpredictable. Some days challenging, but rewarding, everyday. I can't think of a better job.


I hope that they are all well, and that I get to see them soon someday. 


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