Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Departure! 出航!

On July 19th, 2011, the Peace Boat set off to go around the world. I remember the night before I had the jitters and I didn't sleep at all. I kept waking up to check the time- I was nervous, excited, scared, excited, too much of all of these feelings made no sense at all, and it disturbed my sleep.

When the alarm finally rang, I woke to find that a typhoon was coming our way. My mother was freaking out as usual, but still supportive. They kindly drove Patricia and I to the port and there we were, ready for the 1st day- little did we know about what we were in for.



@Yokohama port. We are all so excited! 

Once on the boat, we dropped off our luggage, and assisted the participants with their luggage and escorted them to their rooms. It was exciting to meet the people whom I was going to share this experience with. I also learned that each person came on the ship with a different purpose. Some to see the world and to find their passion, some to enjoy life after retirement, some to bond with siblings or children... they all come with their hopes and dreams, and it was special to be part of the beginning of that dream coming true.


KSBチーム 出港式のころ
KSB Team on Departure Day

As we were handing out champagne and Orange juice for the ceremony, I realized that the boat was moving and that we had taken off... I had missed THE moment, but it struck me with excitement, that this journey was starting. I found my mother on the pier, waving the little swedish flag furiously, cheering me on for the adventure I am about to go on. I waved back, and then, back to duty... :)

出航式のときのシャンパンやオレンジジュースを配っていると、ふと、船が動いていることに気づく。もう出航してた〜!! その瞬間こそは見逃しちゃったけれど、気づいた瞬間は、この旅が始まったんだという思いから心が躍った。大桟橋には、この旅に出る私を応援してくれているかのように、小さなスウェーデン国旗を一生懸命振り続けるママの姿も見えた。手を振り、そしてまたグラスを配る仕事に戻る…

Passing UNDER Bay Bridge! Exciting

Bye Bye Yokohama! See you in 3.5 months!  

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