Close to the arrival to Yokohama, a big event one night was the Staff Entertainment.
The Peace Boat Staff, the Communication Coordinators and us GET teachers came up with various things to entertain the crowd- the participants that had become our family.
It was a way for the staff to come together and say thank you.
ピースボートスタッフ、ボランティア通訳のCCs、そして GET ティーチャーズが色々な演目を考えて観客を喜ばそうと頑張った:観客とは、船の家族となった参加者の方々。
The CCs did a dance from Grease....
Some of the male PB staff danced...
Some Hula-danced...
As GET, we performed a programme with the circus team.
People juggled, showed off with Poi tricks...
others did human juggle by jumping in between one another (that was me) and jumped through hoops
Then we all came together to do a collective dance/illusion choreography.
did like a human pinning top...
became a giant snake....
and finally a beautiful flower!
The very final performance was done by all PB staff- and it was a parody of the onboard musical that the participants had done during the voyage.
The musical "A Common Beat" told a story of four territories of four colors: red, yellow, blue and green. The territories never blended before with the strict observation by the border police.
However, people from the territories start to blend and discover cultures, songs and dances that are different from their own. This interaction and exchange also causes trouble, conflicts and opposition.
Can they understand and respect one another's differences and live in harmony?
『A Common Beat』は、赤、黄、青、緑の大陸のストーリー。国境警備隊員の監視により、大陸の人たちが交わることはなかったが、あるとき、人々は交流を初めて、自分の知らない文化や歌やダンスをする人たちを知る。これは、トラブルと対立も巻き起こす。
In the parody, the four territories were still red, yellow, green and blue (and an extra pink), but represented different areas of the ship. Only people who had been living in the Oceanic would find the musical parody funny, so I think it was a perfect thing to perform. I think the staff had fun performing it, and hopefully the audience enjoyed it too.
Even though it was stressful to put it together, this was also one of the last few things that the staff got together for, so it was a special event for us as well.
With such different schedules, I didn't get to spend time with other staff as much as I had hoped. I think this feeling was mutual though, and we have to be grateful that fate brought us to the same voyage.
Depending on how you see it, this is just a beginning- with people you really connect with, it is up to you to keep that connection and to continue the friendship even after the voyage.
Only a start!!
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