Anddd we got to Hiroshima! But the path there was tough. A typhoon was approaching and it was raining like crazy- we got lost on the streets of Hakata on the way to find the station in the beating rain and thunder... arriving at the station soaked having missed the train also. It was one of the few moments I had my low- frustrated, unhappy and miserable about being cold and not being where we planned to be. Good thing about JR pass though since you can just hop on the next train- we changed our wet clothes and shoes and arrived in Miyajima just a few hours later.
A treat waited us at the hostel! A lovely cheery woman were there to greet us and had a perfect plan for us wanting to explore Miyajima. First, we went to get dinner near the ferry station for miyajima. Yummy hiroshima style okonomiyaki (my favourite food for yeaaaars) with noodles and many other delicious ingredients made our stomachs and spirit happy :) Then we took a boat....
雨が降らないと虹はでないというけど、ホステルに着いたらまさにそんな感じだった。とても明るい素敵なお姉さんが私たちを迎えてくれて、宮島を効果的に楽しめるとっておきのプランを教えてくれた。まずは、宮島へのフェリー乗り場の近くで腹ごしらえ。メニューはもちろん、広島風お好み焼き(長年の大好物)!おそばや野菜や色々入っていて、やっぱりおいしい。おなかも心も大満足:)その後はボートに乗って… enjoy Miyajima by night. The forecast had predicted a typhoon, but it was a calm night and the island was deserted. The reflection of the gate was so beautiful, and I was so happy to be visiting the place I had always wanted to visit. I had come to Hiroshima with a class trip when I was in 10th grade, but unfortunately then too, our visit to Itsukushima Shrine was canceled due to a big typhoon.
We went to a hotel on the island that had a huge bath... that visitors could also use. Using the onsen after a wet, long, rainy day felt like heaven, and when we came out, it was about the time the waters hit high tide.
On the way back with the last ferry, we came across this cute scene- a deer mom&baby sleeping outside the police station. Probably the safest place to sleep on the island ;)
We had to leave here as the ferry came to pick us up, but I hope the couple left with not too bad impressions of Japan...
Next morning, we came across another and many many deers! And made our way back to Itsukushima Shrine, this time to enter it and see it in daylight. The weather made foggy clouds that swept inbetween the greens and the shrine... creating a really mysterious but beautiful feel to it, and we enjoyed the serene atmosphere...
But of course made sure to have fun and be silly when we found this....
While exploring Miyajima, we also coincidentally came across deer baby being born! It was a magical moment, seeing this creature new to this earth, trying and succeeding to take its first steps. Sara and I both watched it in silence.
Then we also came across adult deers, totally grown up to be living together with human, peeking into a restaurant for lunch time :)